learn to love your story, exactly as it is with the

// single greatest choice 1:1 Coaching package \\

coaching support that helps you release your stories about what could’ve/would’ve/should’ve been, so that you can truly embrace the life you’re living now - not merely with acceptance, but with STRAIGHT UP JOY!

Here’s an Important question for the aspiring solo mama who wants to stop obsessing over why her life doesn’t look like the fairytale she always imagined.

What’s the difference between a woman whose conception story is every bit as magical as she always imagined it to be with a blissed-out partner by her side, and one who has to hold back tears at every solo ultrasound and baby kick?

If you guessed reading ALL the self-help “power of positive thinking” books and giving yourself 87 pep-talks a day about how you are #blessed, you’d be wrong.

If you guessed distracting yourself by obsessively creating a Pinterest-worthy nursery and adding to your growing collection of tiny onesies, you’d be wrong.

And if you guessed…

Reminding yourself constantly that your ex(es) and/or men in general are trash and most of your married friends probably aren’t that happy anyway,

You’d still be wrong.

These methods don’t work because they require something called “spiritual bypass” - they try to jump over the grief and the sadness, rather than truly healing it.  They are missing one key ingredient:

learning to hold and accept all of our messy and nuanced feelings with the same care we would show a newborn baby

Now hear me out. Your situation (trying SO hard to be happy about pregnancy while still being sad about how you got there) is NOT your fault. There is nothing wrong with you. We all have spiritual journeys in this world, and this is part of yours. Grief and disappointment are part of being human.

But, let me know if this rings true. You…

  • Find yourself wondering if maybe you should have waited a little bit longer before pulling the trigger on single motherhood.  Who’s to say that your perfect match isn’t right around the corner/  People fall in love all the time. Did you give up on the fairytale too soon?

  • Rehash and replay every past relationship, wondering where it went wrong and whether you should have just settled (spoiler alert: you shouldn’t have)

  • Change TV stations every time a commercial features a traditional nuclear family…why can’t your life look like that?

  • Avoid your hard feelings about choosing single motherhood by over-doing it in other areas - over-exercising (gotta get healthy for baby!), over-working (better save up  for daycare!), over-organizing (gotta take every last piece of cruddy old tupperware out of this cabinet at 2am to make room for bottles!), over-eating (eating for two, right?!)

  • Wake up in the middle of the night wondering whether you can really do this on your own. Will you regret it? Will your kid resent the choice you made? Is it selfish? And who is going to be there for those first steps, first words, first bike ride without training wheels?


    Right now, you feel spent. Emotionally drained. Doing your damnedest to keep a smile on your face, but inside you are wavering. Is this really how the story of your life is meant to play out?

Imagine if you could…

  • genuinely desire the life you are living right now, and not some fantasy version in your head

  • let go of all the bitterness about what went wrong in your past

  • enjoy your pregnancy and bonding with your baby without pangs of sadness at unexpected moments

  • know how to nurture and support yourself with hard feelings do arise

  • Learn how to choose your thoughts so that you can move through ANY situation, no matter how painful 

  • Feel confident that there are multiple desirable pathways to create the life of your dreams

Essentially, you’d be that glowy, ethereal pregnant lady with the perfect, doting partner... and that perfect partner?  Also you!

That is what this program is about. Getting you there, step-by-step, with the help of yours truly, a woman who has BEEN THERE and made it to the other side.

Introducing the…

// single greatest choice 1:1 Coaching package \\

learn to love your story, exactly as it is

The Single Greatest Choice Coaching is the program for single mothers by choice who want to finally shift their story from one that happened to them to one they would wholeheartedly CHOOSE!

When you enroll, you get access to six hour long sessions of 1-on-1 coaching specifically designed give you:

STRATEGIES for releasing past hurts and regrets

CLARITY on what’s most important to you

FREEDOM to live a life you love on your own terms

And a whole lot more.

Take a peek at what you’ll get:

  • Six weekly 1-on-1 coaching calls via video-conferencing (Zoom).

  • 8 weeks of unlimited what’s app or Voxer support from your coach, in case things come up in the weeks following your sessions

  • Support on tangible steps you can take to work through feelings of disappointment and even grief on a mental, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual level

  • An extensive list of resources to guide your mental, emotional and spiritual growth

Plus you’ll get three months free access to the all new Single Greatest Choice Membership Community once it launches this fall - there are all kinds of perks and surprises inside!

Hey there, I’m Katie.

I help single mothers by choice - women who are trying, pregnant, or already mamas - to let go of their disappointment that life hasn’t turned out as planned, so that they can fully embrace their solo journey with all the joy they ever imagined motherhood would bring.


I got divorced at 28 and was certain I’d be remarried by 32. Fast forward to age 36, when I was in a new relationship and started to worry about the biological clock.  I decided to freeze eggs, but the process didn’t go well.  I didn’t get many eggs and the drugs made me a crazy person. Cue the breakup and depression. (Related, perhaps?)

Feeling total fear and scarcity, I moved quickly into IUI after IUI with donor sperm.  It didn’t matter that I didn’t feel ready to get pregnant.  It didn’t matter that I hadn’t fully processed my breakup.  It didn’t matter that I wasn’t 100% sure that single motherhood was the right choice for me, or that I could afford (emotionally or financially) to do it on my own.  If I wanted to be a mom, that was what it was going to take.  Or so I thought. 

After 6 IUIs, one miscarriage, thousands of dollars and a ton of heartbreak and confusion - a new (fabulous) doctor, a new protocol and a HUGE perspective shift CHANGED EVERYTHING.  Through my work with both my medical team and the magic of coaching, I began to see my circumstances, my body, and my choices completely differently. 

I forgave myself for all the ways I’d been blaming me for screwing up “our” life.  I let go of anger and resentment I had towards people and events in my past.   learned how to feel ANY feeling, no matter how scary and learned to trust myself to have my own back.

While these things may not seem related to single motherhood, I assure you they are.  Because THIS version of me is ready to embrace single motherhood by CHOICE, versus feeling like a victim of my own circumstances. 

Through my process, I found peace, clarity, and room to breathe.  I Found contentment in my life while still single & still trying to conceive, I now as a solo mom i experience true joy more than ever before.

And I’d like to help you get here too.

Who this is not for:

  • Women who have always known they wanted to be a single mother, who don’t feel sad about letting go of their picture of a nuclear family

  • Women who want validation of their victimhood and refuse to let go of the story that everything has happened TO them, and not FOR them

  • Women who aren’t ready to take steps to learn how to feel better (suffering can really become an identity, and sometimes it’s hard to let it go!)

Who this is for:

  • Women who are ready for serious transformation in the way they are thinking about single motherhood

  • Women who are willing to put in time and take action to learn how to free themselves from their pasts and let go of old stories 

  • Women who are interested in learning how to manage their mind so they can stop feeling like shit

  • Women who believe they’re worth the effort to move from taking what they can get to creating the life of their dreams

Babe, I know you’ve tried so hard to figure this stuff out before, and these last months (maybe years?) have been brutal. It’s time to start feeling better now.

Your Investment

$1197 for 6 weekly coaching sessions

this round of 1:1 Coaching Packages will be scheduled on FRIDAYS, JUNE 7 - JULY 12 with limited availability for reschedules

Time slots available (CDT): 10am, 11:15am, 12:30pm, 2:00pm


Q: When and how does coaching take place?

A: Coaching time slots are limited. We will agree upon a one-hour period (weekly is best to keep the momentum going). Katie will send a link with directions for how to connect at the scheduled session time.  Video conferencing works best, but totally cool if you are post-workout sweaty or PJs/no makeup...it’s just us!

Q: What will we talk about?

A: Katie has training in working with clients on the mental, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual level.  When you choose to work with me, you’ll fill out an enrollment questionnaire that acts as a jumping-off point, but the sessions can go wherever you’d like. We will figure it out as we go…that’s part of the process!  We are multifaceted beings, and what we think is holding us back and what actually IS holding us back…those are sometimes two very different things!

Q: What if I hate it and want to quit?

A: You won’t. (Kidding!) But for real, working on this shit is tough.  It may bring up some things you weren’t expecting.  Be prepared to be in the trenches.  We can go slow.  We can take breaks.  You’ll find the formal refund and cancellation policy in this Coaching Package Agreement.

Q: Wait, I have to sign a contract?

A: Chill, babe - for both of our comfort and safety, I will ask you to sign this agreement, but you’re not signing away your firstborn child or anything like that (remember, the whole point is to make sure you even HAVE a firstborn child!) My goal is 100% satisfaction for you!

Q: What happens if you can’t help me?

A: I truly believe that the tools I have to offer can help anyone to feel better about just about anything.  That being said, if you are suffering from severe anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns, I will advise you to seek professional help.  I am not a therapist - just a girl who’s been through it, figured out how to feel better, then went and got the training to help you do the same.

Q: Why didn’t you answer this other burning question I have that is not on this FAQ list?

A: Because I’m not a mind reader!  But, I do really want to help you, and I want you be be sure this program is a good fit for you.  Feel free to email me any other questions you have, or if you’re more of a face-to-face gal, let’s hop on a call so I can give you the As to your Qs.